Professionals Applaud NCA’s Town Hall Meeting Initiative

By the Communications Department

To most South Sudanese professionals, a discussion on digital information in a country with limited internet connectivity and few tech firms, is an opportunity long awaited. A beacon of light to a future of better telecommunication.

For two years now, the National Communication Authority (NCA) through its Connecting South Sudan Project, has worked with numerous Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and Mobile Network Operators (MBOs) to promote seamless internet and telecom connections.

In 2022 alone, NCA has commissioned several telecom towers in remote and war-torn areas in Malakal, Kapoeta, Terekeka, among others, with the primary aim of providing telecommunication and internet services to the residents.

The main objective of the NCA Town Hall Meeting is to empower South Sudanese with the necessary tools and technical know-how to freely navigate social media and the internet at large. All the while, knowing how to safeguard oneself from cyber-attacks.

Following a great loss of $90,000 by a South Sudanese national to scammers in 2019, the government noticed a need for educating its citizens about internet use and cybersecurity.

This year’s Town Hall Meeting was subdivided into three sessions: innovation and telecommunication — day 1; media innovation and information access — day 2; and status of telecommunication and ICT — day 3.

The Meeting received lots of praises and adulation from the attendees as some described it as a powerhouse from which vital information was dispensed and numerous networks established.

In exclusive interviews with NCA’s Communication Department, Zack Mayul, a Social Media Specialist and the Founder of Ally Marketing, described the three-day meeting as worthwhile and a magnificent avenue where knowledge was fully accessed.

“Throughout the three days, we learned what we didn’t learn in the ten years, ranging from cyber safety, information security, disinformation, and the NCA mandate that many people didn’t know.

“What was so unique and enormous about the event were the exhibitions as well, I personally didn’t know there were so many young, potential South Sudanese in the tech world doing amazing stuff,” said Zack.

Deng Atem, a Digital Media Consultant and Creative Strategist, said that the conference helped him understand the core drivers behind the telecom services across South Sudan.

“The event helped me to fully understand that the biggest cause of high data tariff rates in South Sudan is lack of infrastructure. For exchange, the absence of a data center and internet exchange points makes the internet very expensive.  

“There is a need for telecom stakeholders to meet, brainstorm and address the challenges facing the ICT sector in South Sudan, this agenda can fully be achieved when NCA spearheads this development,” said Deng.

Deng went on to applaud NCA for having finished the Data Center, citing that the development is a big win for South Sudan.

Additionally, the South Sudan People Defense Forces (SSPDF) spokesperson, Gen. Lul Ruai, stated that the meeting provided a superb platform where government sectors were able to discuss issues around information gaps within the government.

“The meeting has reminded me of the discussion I had with my colleagues in the security sector, that we need to have a joint information and coordination office where government information can be moderated, to avoid information flying off here and there.

“And when I had NCA’s lead talking about how government information isn’t coordinated, I have realized the need to have the coordination roving office in place to close such gaps so that the public receives accurate and unified information to mitigate disinformation and misinformation across the country,” said Lul. The National Communication Authority shall continue to run the Town Hall meetings annually.

Visit the NCA website for more information.

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